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Add or delete a site

Each account (on any plan) with Fathom Analytics comes with the ability to add up to 50 sites for free. That means you can collect data for many different websites you've got access to, and even share those dashboards or email reports with clients or customers who you'd like to also have access.

Sharing a site or sites

Each site is separate from your other sites when sharing it. That means, if you've created a site called LunaStonks because you manage this site for a customer, if you share the dashboard with them, they cannot see your other sites (unless you also share those sites with them). This also applies to email reports - you can create an email report for a single site for a customer or client, and that report sends just the details for the site you've selected, no other sites on your account.

That said, you can share multiple or even all sites via dashboard sharing or email reports with a person.

And, in the future, we'll be adding user accounts to Fathom, for further site sharing features.

Create a site

To create your first site or an additional site:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Sites
  3. Click Add site at the top of the page
  4. Give your site a name (it doesn't have to be the URL of your site, this for internal purposes only)
  5. Grab the embed code and add it to your site

Once you've created a site, we'll create a SiteID for it. You can then use that SiteID in our embed code.

Now that site will show up on your Sites page in settings, in the dropdown on your dashboard for sites, and will be available to share as a dashboard, generate email reports, etc.

Delete a site

If you no longer want to have a site on your account, you can delete it. Deleting it means you delete all the data for that site (and all the events) instantly. We cannot recover this data for you in the future, so make sure you are certain you want to delete it.

To delete a site:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Sites
  3. Select the site you want to delete
  4. Click on Manage
  5. Click the Delete site button
  6. Type in the name of the site
  7. The Delete site button will then appear, and you need to click on it

That's it, your site will then be deleted (along with the ability to view the dashboard or receive email reports for it).

Wiping a site

If you want to keep a site's Site ID and all the events, but delete all the of the data, you can "wipe" it. That means all the pageviews and data are deleted, but the Site ID and Event IDs are kept in tact.

To delete a site:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Sites
  3. Select the site you want to delete
  4. Click on Manage
  5. Click the Wipe site button
  6. Type in the name of the site
  7. The Wipe site button will then appear, and you need to click on it

That's it, your site will then be wiped (along with the ability to view the dashboard or receive email reports for it).

If you need more than 50 sites

You can have as many sites on your account as you'd like, there's just a small fee for over 50 sites. See this FAQ page for more details.

If you still have questions or require help with anything, please reach out to us and we'll happily get things sorted out for you.

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