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Our sample privacy policy

Using an external service or embedded script, like Fathom Analytics, often requires changing the language of your privacy policy on your website. In this specific case, it's also quite helpful to let visitors know how well their digital privacy is protected when visiting your website.

Fathom Analytics privacy policy language

Since our software is privacy-first website analytics, there's typically less to do on your end because we collect such a minimal amount of data from visitors. That's why we believe you don't need annoying cookie notices with Fathom because we comply with privacy laws around the world (you can read more about our legal compliance with privacy laws).

Use this text in your privacy policy

To add mention of the data you collect from your website analytics (in this case, Fathom Analytics), you can use the following text.

We want to process as little personal information as possible when you use our website. That's why we've chosen Fathom Analytics for our website analytics, which doesn't use cookies and complies with the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA and CCPA. Using this privacy-friendly website analytics software, your IP address is only briefly processed, and we (running this website) have no way of identifying you. As per the CCPA, your personal information is de-identified. You can read more about this on Fathom Analytics' website.

The purpose of us using this software is to understand our website traffic in the most privacy-friendly way possible so that we can continually improve our website and business. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is "Article 6(1)(f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually." As per the explanation, no personal data is stored over time.

While adding this text can assure your website visitors that you value their privacy, there is no legal requirement to add this (or similar).

If you still have questions or require help with anything, please reach out to us and we'll happily get things sorted out for you.

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