The Fathom Analytics blog
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I quit my job to work on Fathom Analytics full time
(Jack Ellis) As 2020 came around, it was becoming clear to me that I couldn’t handle my full time job and run Fathom, so I had to leave.
We must ban targeted advertising immediately
(Paul Jarvis) The solution to one of our most challenging privacy issues of today could have the simplest answer.
April Fools: Individual Person Tracking
(Paul Jarvis) Now Fathom customers don’t have to just rely on our speedy but anonymized and aggregate data for their website.
Should I use Laravel Vapor?
(Jack Ellis) You've heard of Vapor, you know that it's for serverless Laravel deployment, but what does it do?
Improve Laravel Vapor response time with prewarming
(Jack Ellis) We take a look at the true cost of prewarming and why you shouldn't be scared of it
What is Serverless?
(Jack Ellis) We've all heard the term serverless. But what is it and how does Vapor utilize it?
Online privacy trends
(Paul Jarvis) With the help of a qualitative research company, I ran an online privacy trends survey with 1,500+ respondents.
No more spy pixels
(Paul Jarvis) I don’t know if you’ve opened or read my newsletter.
My favourite digital privacy tools for 2020
(Paul Jarvis) The following is a list of privacy tools I’ve used and enjoy using to keep me as private as possible online.
How to build wealth slowly
(Paul Jarvis) You don’t have to pick stocks or have huge swaths of money to start investing.